Be a Precinct Committeeperson:
A Precinct Committeeperson (PC) is the neighborhood representative of the Democratic Party in Bloomingdale Township. PCs are critical to ensuring strong, local support for Democratic candidates, issues, and initiatives. Get involved in the Democratic Party in a way that could change the future of our country. Any registered Democrat is eligible to be a PC in their home precinct! Become an Elected or Appointed Precinct Committeeperson (PC) in Bloomingdale Township.
Precinct committeeperson’s responsibilities or do include:
- Attend and become involved in the party’s Township meetings.
- Provide candidate and election information to the voters.
- Circulate petitions for candidates prior to the primary election.
- Become familiar with the elected officials and legislatures so the concerns of the voters can be passed on to them.
- PCs are elected for a 2 years term in even years or appointed at any time.
Please consider joining our impactful team of PCs. If you are interested become PC then email us: i
Download Prospective Candidate Packets
Download Prospective Candidate Packets
Useful Voting Resources:
Terrell Barnes-Chair; Karina Koptik-Vice Chair; Mohammed Mortoja- 2ndVice Chair; Mike Murray-Treasurer;
Mary Dycus-Secretary; Greg Martucci-Communications Director; Pete Null-Community Director
- Illinois Elections 2024,_2022
- Candidate info
- Poll watcher info
- Election judges
- Election workers
- 2022 DuPage County Election Opportunities
Terrell Barnes-Chair; Karina Koptik-Vice Chair; Mohammed Mortoja- 2ndVice Chair; Mike Murray-Treasurer;
Mary Dycus-Secretary; Greg Martucci-Communications Director; Pete Null-Community Director